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Mapping Ideology

Mapping Ideology
Cover: Ragasztott
ISBN: 9781844675548
Size: 156 * 235
Weight: 567 g
Page no.: 348
Publish year: 2010
6 470 Ft
5 823 Ft
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Mapping Ideology

Part of Verso`s classic Mapping series that collects the most important writings on key topics in a changing world
For a long time, the term ‘ideology’ was in disrepute, having become associated with such unfashionable notions as fundamental truth and the eternal verities. The tide has turned, and recent years have seen a revival of interest in the questions that ideology poses to social and cultural theory, and to political practice.

Mapping Ideology is a comprehensive reader covering the most important contemporary writing on the subject. Including Slavoj ®i¾ek’s study of the development of the concept from Marx to the present, assessments of the contributions of Lukács and the Frankfurt School by Terry Eagleton, Peter Dews and Seyla Benhabib, and essays by Adorno, Lacan and Althusser, Mapping Ideology is an invaluable guide to the most dynamic field in cultural theory.
With contributions by Nicholas Abercrombie, Theodor Adorno, Louis Althusser, Michèle Barrett, Seyla Benhabib, Pierre Bourdieu, Peter Dews, Terry Eagleton, Stephen Hill, Fredric Jameson, Jacques Lacan, Michel Pécheux, Richard Rorty, Göran Therborn, and Bryan Turner

Publisher: Verso
Editor: Zizek, Slavoj
Category: Filozófia / 20.-21. század

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