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How to Do the Right Thing: An Ancient Guide to Treating People Fairly

How to Do the Right Thing: An Ancient Guide to Treating People Fairly
Borító: Kötött
ISBN: 9780691238647
Nyelv: angol, latin
Méret: 120*177
Tömeg: 296 g
Oldalszám: 266
Megjelenés éve: 2023
7 120 Ft
6 408 Ft
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How to Do the Right Thing: An Ancient Guide to Treating People Fairly

How ancient Stoicism can help teach us to treat others—and ourselves—more fairly and mercifully

There are times when we’ve all felt that we haven’t been treated as we deserve—that we’ve been misjudged, shortchanged, or given a raw deal. And, at one time or another, other people have probably felt that we’ve treated them just as unfairly. How to Do the Right Thing draws on the principles of ancient Stoicism as articulated by the Roman statesman and philosopher Seneca to help readers better navigate one of the most important practical questions of daily life—how to do right by others.

Starting from the virtue of magnanimity—the opposite of small-mindedness—How to Do the Right Thing draws together lessons from Seneca’s writings that stress the importance of calm and clear thinking, of judging oneself fairly before judging others, and of cutting people slack, with a bias toward mercy—all delivered in crisp and lively new translations, and with the original Latin on facing pages.

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