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The Need for Roots: Prelude to a Declaration of Duties Towards Mankind

The Need for Roots: Prelude to a Declaration of Duties Towards Mankind
Cover: Ragasztott
ISBN: 9780415271028
Language: english
Size: 128*298
Weight: 345 g
Page no.: 303
Publish year: 2002
7 480 Ft
6 732 Ft
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The Need for Roots: Prelude to a Declaration of Duties Towards Mankind

Hailed by Andre Gide as the patron saint of all outsiders, Simone Weil's short life was ample testimony to her beliefs. In 1942 she fled France along with her family, going firstly to America. She then moved back to London in order to work with de Gaulle. Published posthumously The Need for Roots was a direct result of this collaboration. Its purpose was to help rebuild France after the war. In this, her most famous book, Weil reflects on the importance of religious and political social structures in the life of the individual. She wrote that one of the basic obligations we have as human beings is to not let another suffer from hunger. Equally as important, however, is our duty towards our community: we may have declared various human rights, but we have overlooked the obligations and this has left us self-righteous and rootless. She could easily have been issuing a direct warning to us today, the citizens of Century 21.

Publisher: Routledge
Series: Routledge Classics
Category: Filozófia

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