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Author: Agamben, Giorgio

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Total: 28 items

A nyitott - Az állat és az ember

10%3 510 Ft3 900 Ft

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A profán dicsérete

10%1 710 Ft1 900 Ft

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Ami Auschwitzból marad

10%3 510 Ft3 900 Ft

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Ausnahmezustand - Homo sacer II

10%2 430 Ft2 700 Ft

Die Beamten des Himmels - Über Engel

10%4 203 Ft4 670 Ft

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Démocratie, dans quel état?

10%5 382 Ft5 980 Ft

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Herrschaft und Herrlichkeit - Zur theologischen Genealogie von Ökonomie und Regierung. Homo sacer II.2

10%5 130 Ft5 700 Ft

Highest Poverty - Monastic Rules and Form-of-Life

10%7 803 Ft8 670 Ft

Homo sacer - A szuverén hatalom és a puszta élet

10%4 950 Ft5 500 Ft

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Homo sacer - Die souverͤne Macht und das nackte Leben

10%2 700 Ft3 000 Ft

Homo Sacer - Sovereign Power and Bare Life (Meridian: Crossing Aesthetics)

10%5 832 Ft6 480 Ft

Infancy and History - On the Destruction of Experience

10%6 759 Ft7 510 Ft

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Language and Death - The Place of Negativity

10%5 499 Ft6 110 Ft

Migropolis - Venice and the Global Atlas of a Situation

10%16 956 Ft18 840 Ft


10%4 050 Ft4 500 Ft

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10%4 689 Ft5 210 Ft

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Total: 28 items

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